Haiwei JIA



Haiwei JIA

Position: Professor



Scholar TItle:  the Provincial Level Talent of Thousand-Hundred-TenProjects of Guangdong Province

Education Degree:  Ph. D (Management Science)

Address:  College of Public Administration 

           South China Agricultural University

           Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, 510642



Education Experience:

2008.09-2013.06:  Doctor of Management. at College of Economics and Management, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, P.R.China, Ph.D. Advisor: Professor Dasheng LI

1997.09-2000.06:  Master of Laws, at School of Humanities, Xi'an JiaoTong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, P.R.China, Master Advisor: Professor Wensheng WANG, Professor Zhengwei ZHU

1989.09-1993.07:   Bachelor of Engineering, at School of Electrical Engineering, Xi'an JiaoTong University , Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, China

Work Experience:

2013.12-Present:   Professor, in the College of Public Administration, South China Agricultural University, P.R. China.

2005.12-2013.11:   Associate Professor, in the College of Public Administration, South China Agricultural University, P.R.China.

 2001.11-2005.11:    Lecturer, in the School of Public Administration, South China Agricultural University, P.R.China.

 1993.06-2001.11:    Teaching assistant and Lecturer, in School of Humanities, Xi'an JiaoTong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, People's Republic of China


 2014.09-2015.07:  Visiting Scholar, at the School of Government, Peking University, Beijing, P.R.China, Tutor: Professor Zhiren ZHOU

 2012.03-2013.03:   Visiting Scholar, at China Studies Centre, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, Tutor: Professor Hans HENSDRISCHKE

 2007.09-2008.07:   Visiting Scholar, at School of Public Administration, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, P.R.China, Tutor: Professor Zhongfeng HU

Courses Taught and Student Guidance Work:
Fundamental of Management; Psychology of Public Management; Psychology of  Success; Psychology of Personality and Development


To guide undergraduate students and postgraduates to participate in innovation and entrepreneurship projects and science and technology competition and achieved good results many times.

Participation in Editing Textbooks:
1. Editor in Chief, Psychology of Public Management[M], Beijing: Science

  Press, 2012

Journal and Paper Articles:

 1. Haiwei JIA. Targeted Poverty Alleviation Should Pay Attention to Human Modernity Education [N]. Learning Times, 2017-06-26(A6).


2. Haiwei JIA,Yu ZHANG. The Institutional Innovation of State Governance: "Politics and Socialism Synergy + Dividing Governance Right to Three Part" [J]. Journal of Guangdong Administration Institute, 2016,(12): 31-35.


3. Haiwei JIA. Constructing An Excellent Strategy System to Prevent and Control Social Risks in Local Governance------Based on the Analysis of a Summary Calculation Model [J]. Chinese Public Administration (CSSCI & CCJCO), 2016,(11): 120-125.   Full summarized by Chinese Social Science Digest.


4. Haiwei JIA,Zhiren ZHOU. A Discuss of Theoretical Basis,Reform Path and Design Principle of Government Self-Revolution ------Based on the Perspective of Administration According to Law [J]. Administrative Forum (CSSCI & CCJCO), 2016,(05): 43-47.

5. Haiwei JIA,Zhiren ZHOU. The Plight of Governance Reform of Local  Government and Administrative System Innovation Path——an analyses on Guangdong[J].Guangdong Social Sciences (CSSCI & CCJCO ), 2016,(02): 73-79.

 6. Haiwei JIA,Zhiren ZHOU. The Present Isolation of Urban and Rural Social Governance------An Analysis Based on the Social Management System Investigation in Guangdong[C]. Proceedings of 2015 International Conference on Public Administration(11th) (Volume Ⅰ). December 9-11,2015. Padjadjaram University, Indonesia, (ISBN978-7-5647-2307-1), Chengdu: UESTC Press.

 7. Buguang MA,Haiwei JIA (Corresponding author). Rural Community Construction and Grass-roots Social Management Innovation under the Backdrop of Urban and Rural Banlanced Development[J]. Guangdong Agricultural Sciences(CCJCO), 2014, (16): 211-214.

  8. Haiwei JIA. Collabrative Covernance by the Government and the Society: Guangdong Explore build a new pattern[J]. Administration Reform, 2014,(5): 41-48.

 9. Haiwei JIA, Yutao GONG. Countermeasures of System Ecological Predicament on Urban and Rural Development Strategy[J]. Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University (Social Science) (CSSCI & CCJCO), 2014,(2): 61-67.

10. Hanping ZHU, Haiwei JIA(Corresponding author). The Methods of Promoting Rural Old-age Service Collaborative Supply by the Government and the Social Organization------based on the collaborative governance theory[J]. Guangdong Agricultural Sciences(CCJCO), 2013,(10):202-204.

11. Qinglian GAO, Haiwei JIA( Corresponding author).The Path of Reconstruction of Grassroots Self-governing of Villages in City-----Based on Analysis of Reconstruction of Villages in City[J] . Guangdong Agricultural Sciences(CCJCO), 2013,(7):186-189.

12.Bugunag MA, Haiwei JIA(Corresponding author). The Development of Grassroots Governance Reconstruction and Innovation of Social Management in the process of Urban and Rural Balanced Development[J]. Guangdong Agricultural Sciences(CCJCO), 2013,(7):182-185.

13. Haiwei JIA. A Compare of School Education System Between China and Australia[N]. Guangming Daily, 2013-5-1(06).

14. Haiwei JIA, Qinglian GAO. Docking of Grassroots Governance Restruction and Innovation of Social Management System------Based on the Perspective of Urban and Rural Development Balanced[J]. Zhejiang Academic Journal (CSSCI & CCJCO), 2013,(3): 208-217.

15. Haiwei JIA. The Interaction Between Country Administration Control and Villager Self-government----An Analysis of Game between Public Rights and Private Rights[J]. Issues in Agricultural Economy (CSSCI & CCJCO), 2013,(3):48-55.

16. Haiwei JIA. Food Safety Management in Australia[N]. Newspaper of Social Sciences in China, 2013-1-16(B04).

17. Haiwei JIA. Psychological Intervention Mechanism of Party and government cadres’ Job Burnout in China-----Bbased on the Enlightenment of Western Countries Civil Servants EAP Project[J]. Journal of China National School of Administration (CSSCI & CCJCO), 2012,(6):30-35.

18. Haiwei JIA, Zhengwei ZHU. The Enlightenment of Institutional Innovation of Guangdong Governance Reform to Promote the Development of Urban and Rural ——Based on View of Institution Ecosystem[J]. Chinese Public Administration (CSSCI & CCJCO), 2012,(4):82-86.

19. Haiwei JIA. A Analyzes of Causes of Job Burnout in Counties Class Cadres Group[J]. CASS Journal of Political Science (CSSCI & CCJCO)2012(1):118-126.

Full text Reproduced in D2 The communist party of China (2012,(8))------by Information Center For Social Sciences of Renmin University of China.

20. Qinglian GAO, Haiwei JIA(Corresponding author). Adjustment of Interaction Mechanisms of Local Government and grass-roots in Rural Areas self-governance[J]. Guangdong Agricultural Sciences(CCJCO), 2011,(8):175-177. 

21. Haiwei JIA. The Practice and Learning Path of Local Government Management Mechanism Innovation-----Guangdong Case Based on Time Dimension Analysis[J]. Journal of China National School of Administration (CSSCI & CCJCO), 2011,(5): 103-107.

Full text Reproduced in D1 Public Administration(2012,(2)) ------by Information Center For Social Sciences of Renmin University of China.

22. Haiwei JIA. From being reluctant to “be happy” to actively create happiness, Nanfang Daily (Theory Edition), 2011-04-17(A07).

23. Hanping ZHU, Haiwei JIA(Corresponding Author). The Development Countermeasure of Agricultural Industrialization------Based on the Background of New Rural Construction[J]. Guangdong Agricultural Sciences (CCJCO), 2011,(5):202-205.

24. Haiwei JIA, Yutao GONG, Xiying GUAN. The Creation and Changes of Marriage Systems in New China------Law of Marriage and the Changes of  Social Status of Chinese Women in the Family[J]. Journal of Hebei University of Science and Technology (Social Sciences). 2011,(1):52-57.

25. Haiwei JIA, Qinglian GAO. Analysis of the Change in Gap Between Income and the Ways to Improve Quality of Life of City and Country Resident-----Based on Data of GUANGDONG[J]. Guangdong Agricultural Sciences(CCJCO), 2010,(10):225-228.

26. Haiwei JIA, Dasheng LI. A Trace Analysis of Chinese Farm Produce International Trade from 1978 and an Expectation of the Future[J]. Guangdong Agricultural Sciences(CCJCO), 2010,(9):259-263.

27. Haiwei JIA. The Changing Path of Counties and TownsGovernance Mode: Deconstruction of Guangdong Province[J]. Reform (CSSCI & CCJCO). 2010,(7):146-152.

Full text Reproduced in MF1 System Reform(2010,(11))------by Information Center For Social Sciences of Renmin University of China.

28. Qinglian GAO,Haiwei JIA. Review of Theory of Modern Governance Model[J].Journal of Sichuan Institute of Public Administration. 2010,(2):29-31.

29. Haiwei JIA,Yutao GONG. A Comprehensive Analysis of Urban and Rural incomes and Improving of quality of life[J]. Theory Monthly (CCJCO). 2010,(1):91-95.

30. Haiwei JIA, Yutao GONG, Hanping ZHU. The Evaluation Indices System of New Socialism Village Construction Performance——based on the researches of Guangdong[J]. Academic Exchange(CSSCI & CCJCO). 2009,(10):105-108.

31. Haiwei JIA. Focussing the First Central File, Deepening Reform, Increasing Urban and Rural Social Welfare[N]. Nanfang Daily (Theory Edition), 2010-02-15(A05).

32. Qinglian Gao, Haiwei JIA. Development and Trend of the Research on Life Quality in New Century[J]. Journal of Zhongzhou University. 2009,(2): 11-14.

NOTES: (1)CSSCI--- Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index by Najing University;

        (2)CCJCO--- Chinese Core Journals Catalog Overview by Peking University

Research Projects
      1. 2016, General Program from National Natural Science Foundation of China:

Preventing the Social Risk and Promoting the Social Capital in the Process of Local Governance Transformation------Taking Guangdong as Research Space(71673091)

2. 2014, General Project of Guangzhou Philosophy and Social Sciences Planning Project:

Grassroots Governance Structure Change in the Process of urban and rural development in Guangzhou------taking Zengcheng and Conghua “from city to district” as the observation point(14Y12)

      3. 2012, General Program from National Natural Science Foundation of China:

Research on Grass-roots Governance Reconstruction and Social Management Innovation in the Process of Urban and Rural Development ------ Based on the Analysis of the exploring experiment in Guangdong Province71273094

      4.  2011, Program from Guangdong Rural Policy Research Center Research:

Research on the Docking Mechanism in county self-governance and Governments Functions in Implementation of the urban and rural development strategy NYZX201103 

  5. 2010, General program from National Natural Science Foundation of China:

Research on organizational change of City County Government to Promote the development of Urban and rural development 71073058

6. 2009, Annual project of Guangdong Social Science "Eleventh Five-Year Plan", from Guangdong Social  Science Planning Office:

    Research on Innovation of Guangdong Province Administrative System to Promote the Development of Urban and Rural09o-07

7. 2008, program from Guangdong Rural Policy Research Center Research:

Research on the changing path of Guangdong governments in the Process of building a new county GZ0818

8. 2007, Guangdong Soft Science Research Projects, from Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and    Technology: 

 Research on Assessment index system and Computer evaluation system on Guangdong rural Development        Performance (2007B070900086)

Academic Positions (part-time)

1. Researcher of the Institute of Socialism with Chinese characteristics of the National School of Administration

2. Member of the Council of the Institute of China's Administrative System Reform

3. Expert of Community Security Professional Committee of China Emergency Management Society

      4. Vice President of Guangdong Young Social Scientists Association

      5. Expert of Guangzhou Administrative Decision-making Demonstration