Students of Public Administration Achieved Outstanding Results in the 8th National College Simulated Collective Bargaining Contest


Students of Public Administration Achieved Outstanding Results in the 8th National College Simulated Collective Bargaining Contest

From October 19 to 20, the 8th National College Simulated Collective Bargaining Competition was successfully held at Anhui University of Finance and Economics. The competition was hosted by the Labor Relations Branch of China Human Resources Development Research Association, Anhui University of Finance and Economics, co-organized by the Academic Affairs Office of Anhui University of Finance and Economics, the Anhui University of Finance and Economics Committee of the Communist Youth League, and the School of Finance and Public Administration of Anhui University of Finance and Economics. This competition is the largest in previous competitions, with the largest number of participants and more intense competition. A total of nearly 500 teachers and students from 40 universities and 80 teams from East China Normal University, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Central China Normal University, Southwest University of Political Science and Law, etc. participated, and 4 universities participated in the study.

After more than half a year of selection in the school, through the preliminary rounds and finals, the final selection of national teams and candidate teams. In this competition, a total of 8 student representatives were sent to participate in the competition. Teachers Liu Juan, Chen Ran and Yang Mingxu from the Department of Labor and Social Security of the School of Public Administration served as instructors. Based on the experience of the previous three competitions, our school leveraged on the training of the Guangzhou Municipal Federation of Trade Unions' collective bargaining competition, and finally won the outstanding results in the competition, winning the "Best Organization Award", "Labor First Prize" A number of awards including the "Second Prize for Management", "Best Negotiator" and "Excellent Instructor" won the honor of our school and maintained our school's superiority in this event.

The team composed of students from the School of Public Management, including Zi'an Wang, Yu Wen, Hairi Wu and Kaitong Liao. It won the first prize of the competition. The representative team composed of four students, Tan Keyi, Yi Zehua, Feng Haiqi and Li Yixiao, won the second prize of the employer. The three students Wen Yu, Liao Kaitong and Tan Kecheng were outstanding and were named "Best Negotiator".

This is the fourth time that the School of Public Administration has represented the school in the national competition. As the number of participating universities increases year by year and the competition becomes increasingly fierce, this year has also stood out from many participating 985, 211 universities in politics, law, finance, and teaching, and achieved good results. This is another result of the inheritance of the spirit of Ding Ying from South China Agricultural University, the reform of education and teaching reform and the innovative practice of talent training model in the School of Public Administration, and also the crystallization of the collective wisdom of strengthening the three total education and practical teaching. Promoting learning with competition, promoting teaching with competition, promoting career with competition, improving the social practice and innovation ability of college students, seeking new ideas, applying learning, applying professional construction to the combination of production, teaching and research, and enriching the practical experimental teaching system. This is an important measure of our school's new agricultural science concept. So far, the 8th National College Simulated Collective Bargaining Contest has been a complete success, and we wish our school a brilliant future in the 9th National College Simulated Collective Bargaining Contest!

( Translated by Liu Yanan)