





2017, 香港城市大学哲学博士 (Ph.D.)应用社会科学(社会工作)

ORCID: 0000-0002-9564-3994;

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Cindy-Xinshan-Jia








Li, J. C. M., Jia, C. X.*, & Mlyakado, B. P.(2023). Assessing online sexual exploitation among secondary school students in Tanzania from a routine activity theory perspective. Child Abuse & Neglect. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chiabu.2023.106597

Cheung, C. K., Jia, C. X., & Hu, J. (2023). Life Meaningfulness, Law Abidance, and Social Risk Among Hong Kong Youth. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 1-18.

Mlyakado, B. P., Li, J. C. M., & Jia, C. X. (2023). Online sexual exploitation of adolescents in Tanzania: Explaining help-seeking intention using the theory of planned behaviour. Children and Youth Services Review, 154, 107129.

Li, J. C., Reamer, F., Manning, M., & Jia, C. X. (2023). Social work research and practice in the digital age. China Journal of Social Work, 16(2), 117-120.

Jia, C.X, Cheung, C.K., & Li. L* (2023). Associations Between Adolescents’ Cognitive Distortion and Misperceptions about Cigarette Smoking. Psihologija. https://doi.org/10.2298/PSI221007012J

贾昕珊,潘云龙,傅承哲. (2023). 党建合力:党建引领何以提升社会组织胜任力[J]中共福建省委党校(福建行政学院)学报, 01 (人大复印资料全文转载)

贾昕珊,卓彩琴.(2022) 小组社会工作提升大学生共情能力的干预研究[J].社会建设,9(06):24-37.

Han, L., & Jia, C. X*. (2022). Treatments, Perceived Stigma, and Employment Outcomes among Substance Abusers in China. Healthcare (10),130.

Jia, C. X., & Fu, C. (2022). The influence of work-family conflict on social worker job satisfaction. Journal of Social Work, 22(4), 970-991.

Jia, C. X., & Li, J. C. M. (2022). Work-family conflict, burnout, and turnover intention among Chinese social workers: The moderating role of work support. Journal of Social Service Research, 48(1), 12-27.

Jia, C.X, Cheung, C.K., & Fu, C. (2020) Work Support, Role Stress, and Life Satisfaction among Chinese Social Workers: The Mediation Role of Work-Family Conflict. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health (17), 8881.

Li, J. C., Cheung, C. K., Jia, C. X., & Mlyakado, B. P. (2019). Exploitation, Offense, or Private Issue? Guardians’ Perceptions and Self-Efficacy in Handling Girl Compensated Dating in Hong Kong. Journal of Interpersonal Violence34(14), 3034-3055.

Li, J.C.M., Tang, K.T., & Jia, X.S.(2019). Virtual Offender: Pilot Project on Nurturing Social Work Students’ Capacity of Working with Offenders. China Journal of Social Work. 12(1), 56-69

Li, J. C., Cheung, C. K., Jia, C. X., Yu, Y. M., & Nguyen, P. (2018). Narratives of compensated dating of girls in Hong Kong using routine activity theory: results of a focus group study of guardians. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 62(2), 360-382.

Cheung, C.K., Jia, X.S., Li, J.C.M. & Lee, T.Y. (2016). Engaging adolescent girls in transactional sex through compensated dating. Journal of Adolescence. 52, 124-134.




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