Title:Fine-Grained Butterfly Recognition via Peer Learning Network with Distribution-Aware Penalty Mechanism
Abstract: Automatic species recognition plays a key role in intelligent agricultural production management and the study of species diversity. However, fine-grained species recognition is a challenging task due to the quite diverse and subtle interclass differences among species and the long-tailed distribution of sample data. In this work, a peer learning network with a distribution-aware penalty mechanism is proposed to address these challenges. Specifically, the proposed method employs the two-stream ResNeSt-50 as the backbone to obtain the initial predicted results. Then, the samples, which are selected from the instances with the same predicted labels by knowledge exchange strategy, are utilized to update the model parameters via the distribution-aware penalty mechanism to mitigate the bias and variance problems in the long-tailed distribution. By performing such adaptive interactive learning, the proposed method can effectively achieve improved recognition accuracy for head classes in long-tailed data and alleviate the adverse effect of many head samples relative to a few samples of the tail classes. To evaluate the proposed method, we construct a large-scale butterfly dataset (named Butterflfly-914) that contains approximately 72,152 images belonging to 914 species and at least 20 images for each category. Exhaustive experiments are conducted to validate the efficiency of the proposed method from several perspectives. Moreover, the superior Top-1 accuracy rate (86.2%) achieved on the butterfly dataset demonstrates that the proposed method can be widely used for agricultural species identification and insect monitoring.
Keywords: fine-grained recognition; long-tailed distribution; convolutional neural network; automatic species recognition; peer learning network
Abstract: Automatic species recognition plays a key role in intelligent agricultural production management and the study of species diversity. However, fine-grained species recognition is a challenging task due to the quite diverse and subtle interclass differences among species and the long-tailed distribution of sample data. In this work, a peer learning network with a distribution-aware penalty mechanism is proposed to address these challenges. Specifically, the proposed method employs the two-stream ResNeSt-50 as the backbone to obtain the initial predicted results. Then, the samples, which are selected from the instances with the same predicted labels by knowledge exchange strategy, are utilized to update the model parameters via the distribution-aware penalty mechanism to mitigate the bias and variance problems in the long-tailed distribution. By performing such adaptive interactive learning, the proposed method can effectively achieve improved recognition accuracy for head classes in long-tailed data and alleviate the adverse effect of many head samples relative to a few samples of the tail classes. To evaluate the proposed method, we construct a large-scale butterfly dataset (named Butterflfly-914) that contains approximately 72,152 images belonging to 914 species and at least 20 images for each category. Exhaustive experiments are conducted to validate the efficiency of the proposed method from several perspectives. Moreover, the superior Top-1 accuracy rate (86.2%) achieved on the butterfly dataset demonstrates that the proposed method can be widely used for agricultural species identification and insect monitoring.
Keywords: fine-grained recognition; long-tailed distribution; convolutional neural network; automatic species recognition; peer learning network