

武侠  博士,校聘副教授










[1] Wu X, Li C, Zhang J, Wang T, Wu L, and Jia M. “Occupation-competition-regeneration” nexus among land uses in a Chinese city: Interactions and transformations[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 265: 121778.

[2] Wu X, Zhang J, Geng X, Wang T, Wang K, and Liu S. Increasing green infrastructure-based ecological resilience in urban systems: A perspective from locating ecological and disturbance sources in a resource-based city[J]. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2020, 61: 102354.

[3] Liu S, Zhang J, Wu X, Chen W, and Zhang J. Potential thermal constraints for sustainable industrial city: refined simulation and prediction of extreme urban heat island effect[J]. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2024, 105: 105342.

[4] Wei J, Zhang J, Wu X, and Song Z. Governance in mining enterprises: An effective way to promote the intensification of resources—Taking coal resources as an example[J]. Resources Policy, 2022, 76: 102623.

[5] Fu B, Liu J, Zhang J, Wu X, and Wang J. Service accessibility of ecological nodes: An exploratory way to enhance network connectivity in a study case of Wu’an, China[J]. Ecological Informatics, 2022, 69: 101589.

[6] Rao Y, Zhang J, Wang K, and Wu X. How to prioritize protected areas: A novel perspective using multidimensional land use characteristics[J]. Land Use Policy, 2019, 83: 1-12. (SSCI)

[7] Wang K, Li Z, Zhang J, Wu X, Jia M, and Wu L. Built-up land expansion and its impacts on optimizing green infrastructure networks in a resource-dependent city[J]. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2020, 55: 102026. 

[8] Wang L, Wang K, Zhang J, Zhang D, Wu X, and Zhang L. Multiple objective-oriented land supply for sustainable transportation: A perspective from industrial dependence, dominance and restrictions of 127 cities in the Yangtze River Economic Belt of China[J]. Land Use Policy, 2020, 99: 105069.

[9] Liu S, Zhang J, Li J, Li Y, Zhang J, and Wu X. Simulating and mitigating extreme urban heat island effects in a factory area based on machine learning[J]. Building and Environment, 2021, 202: 108051. 

[10] Zhang Y, Zhang J, Wang K, and Wu X. An Empirical Perception of Economic Resilience Responded to the COVID-19 Epidemic Outbreak in Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei Urban Agglomeration, China: Characterization and Interaction[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, 18(19): 10532.



[1] 中央高校基本科研业务费项目,2019,资源型城市生态恢复力测度研究,主持

[2] 国家自然科学基金,2017-2019,基于GI构架的资源型城市土地生态控制过程与实现途径研究,研究生负责人

[3] 自然资源部信息中心课题,2018,交通基础设施用地供应与需求协调程度研究,研究生负责人

[4] 中央高校基本科研业务费项目,2019-2021,资源型城市土地生态恢复力理论框架与应用研究,研究生负责人

[5] 国家社会科学基金,2018-2022,自然保护区旅游资源对人类活动的生态风险响应机理和评价研究,课题骨干

[6] 自然资源部信息中心课题,2019,基于经济-人口-环境约束下产业用地优化配置的数据收集与方法研究,课题骨干

[7] 国家重点研发计划子课题,2019-2022 ,“美丽中国”生态安全保障与生态质量改善路径,课题骨干

[8] 国家自然科学基金,2020-2023,资源资源型城市工矿用地的生态效应模拟及响应过程与适应机制研究,课题骨干

[9] 自然资源部信息中心课题,2021,节约集约用地政策实施评估,课题骨干

[10] 国家重点研发计划子课题,2022-2024,长江流域重点河湖湿地调节服务功能区生态修复的系统修复模式,课题骨干



[1] 支撑完成生态环境部、自然资源部、国家发展改革委、国家林草局联合编制规划,《大运河生态环境保护修复专项规划》(环综字[2020]37号),获得自然资源部国土整治中心给予的参编感谢信

[2] 参与申请软件著作权1项:建筑设计与热环境模拟系统